I continued to try on dresses, and I think I made it through almost everything in the collection.
Then, my sales lady starting bringing out the sale dresses. First I tried on a dress whose name totally escapes me. I had been a pretty heavy stalker of Melissa Sweet and POB but I had never seen this particular dress. I liked it a lot and the longer I looked at it the more I liked it. Oh yeah, and it was on sale. I'm a sucker for sale.
I twirled around in it for a while... and everyone seemed to like this one best. Drew was still on my mind.
To help make the call I decided to try on some other dresses. Great way to make a decision right? Instead of looking at the two you love, add another one to the mix. So out came Nell.

It was LOVE at first try-on. I'd say love at first sight but that would be a big lie. I had seen Nell on-line and I wasn't actually all that impressed. She was nice, but I just didn't think it would be that exciting. So its ok if you see the picture above and think, REALLY? Once I got it on I was SOLD. And it has POCKETS?! Who doesn't love a wedding dress with pockets!? Zach's thought, "I just sort of guessed you'd get one with pockets. It just seems right."
After a few more twirls I was sold, Nell, who was also on sale, would be mine.
Did I 100% loose my mind? Probably. But with my future husband standing there telling me to buy it, how could I not? So it was at least 3 times what I thought I'd spend. Oh well. I can always sell it after the wedding, and make at least half of that back, so it won't be to bad. Or at least that's what I told myself as I handed over the credit card to do the deed. :)
So I have my dress!! I couldn't believe it... I really didn't plan on leaving with a dress. In the car on the way home Zach admitted that he figured we would spend at least $1,000 for my dress, despite all my earlier musings about finding a white bridesmaid dress. Just one more reason I love this man.